Minerals. Rating. 7/14/2023 6:01:33 PM| 6. Score 1 User: Based on your knowledge of the scientific method, which statement identifies an observation? Weegy: I smell smoke when I walk outside. A list of the Mohs Hardness Scale Minerals is shown in the table below. Calcite B. weegy; Answer. Expert Answered. Weegy: Depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by:. Account. 50$ in commission what is the rate of commission . Question. Expert Answered. Based on the Mohs hardness scale, which mineral could be scattered by a penny but not by a fingernail?. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. Talc D. Asked 8/28/2020 6:37:19 PM. 1 Answer/Comment. Expert Answered. Talc D. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Is a predicate a verb ?Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. 9/6/2023 11:16:03 PM| 5 Answers. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. 5 or below. 8 Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Log in for more information. Asked 9/16/2021 4:05:19 PM. Gypsum. weegy. User: Based on the mobs hardness scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail . Weegy: You receive an invoice for $565. Fluorite C. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: Clay, silt, sand, pebble, cobble, boulder is the order of sediments from smallest to largest. Based on the Mohs hardness scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail ?. Talc D. Weegy: The right to remain silent when arrested or interrogated is guaranteed under: the fifth [ amendment. Talc D. Answer:. 9 B. Talc D. Gypsum. Log in for more information. Score 1 User: how is hte atomic mass found. 9 B. Calcite B. Aj25. Added 2 minutes 45 seconds ago|6/19/2023 1:04:46 PM Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Fluorite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Updated 126 days ago|4/20/2023 10:51:25 PM. Weegy: Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Fluorite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Weegy: Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Based on the Mohs hardness scale which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Calcite B. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Gypsum. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. Based on this information, the sa mineral has to be softer than A. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Expert answered|HARLEY61|Points 132| Log in for more information. 1 meter = 39. Talc D. Based on the Mohs hardness scale which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by finger nail. Comments. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. weegy; Answer. Talc D. According to the Mohs Hardness Scale, CALCITE could be scratched by a penny. Updated 1/12/2022 8:24:24 PM. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Talc D. The hardness of a material is rated in Mohs, where talc is rated as 1 Mohs and diamond 10 Mohs. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail?. Calcite B. Calcite B. Expert answered| misha254 |Points 8745| Log in for more information. The Mohs hardness of a mineral is determined by observing whether its surface is scratched by a substance of known or defined hardness. 5) Orthoclase - Knife/Glass Plate (5. Calcite B. Weegy: "4/17" is an example of a proper fraction. 5) Orthoclase - Knife/Glass Plate (5. Talc D. Talc C. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Rating. Select the best answer for the question. questions answered. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? Question 15 options: A) Gypsum B) Talc C) Fluorite D) Calcite. Mineral X _____. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. Fluorite C. Mohs hardness, rough measure of the resistance of a smooth surface to scratching or abrasion, expressed in terms of a scale devised (1812) by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs. Talc D. Expert answered| misha254 |Points 8745| Log in for more information. d. Calcite B. 8 D. Gypsum Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. According to the Mohs Hardness Scale, what's the approximate hardness of topaz? options: A) 9 B) 8 C) 10 D) 7. Asked 1/18/2022 5:48:15 PM. Weegy: Question. Expert Answered. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. 0 Answers/Comments. Rating. Fluorite C. The Mohs hardness scale increases linearly from 1 to 10. Weegy: Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Question. Weegy: "4/17" is an example of a proper fraction. 0 Answers/Comments. 2. Calcite B. 00$ and he received 1382. Fluorite C. Calcite B. Expert Answered. Weegy: Congress sets the salary of the president. 7 C. 11/19/2022 12:55:21 PM| 19 Answers Write 0. Just about any substance can be ranked on the scale, for example, ruby is a 9, tanzanite is about a 6 to 7, and soapstone countertops are around a 3. Gypsum Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. ] Question. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. According to the Mohs Hardness Scale, what's the approximate hardness of topaz? A. Question. Gypsum. Calcite B. To give numerical. Updated 31 days ago|8/19/2022 2:27:58 AM. Based on the Mohs hardness scale which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by finger nail. Updated 56 days ago|3/15/2023 8:17:01 AM. Score 1 User: which scientist began organizing elements into the periodic table Weegy: Dmitri Mendeleev began organizing. 7 C. nstlynmyvnn. There are no new answers. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail?. Calcite B. Weegy: The point at which a stream empties into another body of water is the tributary of the stream. FROM THE CREATORS OF. FROM THE CREATORS OF. Talc D. What's a black hole . Calcite B. Fluorite C. Calcite B. Calcite B. You will be using a glass plate (H=5. Mohs scale is used in describing hardness. Weegy: According to the Mohs Hardness Scale, 8 is the approximate hardness of topaz. 1 Answer/Comment. Log in for more information. Weegy: The most common listening problem is assuming what the other person has to say isn't important. 00$ and he received 1382. ';User: Based on mohs hardness scale,. Talc D. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Asked 4/29/2020 2:53:01 PM. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. Log in or sign up first. Asked 9/16/2021 4:05:19 PM. 85 inches. Question and answer. -statement identifies an observation, based on the scientific method. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Calcite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. Expert Answered. There are no new answers. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A. questions answered. Gypsum C. Weegy: Clay, silt, sand, pebbles are the types of sediment in order from smallest to largest. About this, it is shown gypsum and talc can be scratched by just a fingernail, considering minerals with a hardness of 2. Fluorite C. Weegy: Sir Francis Bacon is credited with first documenting the use of the scientific method. Weegy: Question. Fluorite C. Expert Answered. Calcite B. Gypsum. Gypsum. Added 19 days ago|6/19/2023 1:04:46 PM Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, CALCITE could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. There are no new answers. Fluorite C. There are no comments. Based on the Mohs hardness scale, which mineral could be scattered by a penny but not by a fingernail? Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, Fluorite could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail. TABOR Research Group on the Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge 1VS. Calcite B. Mohs Hardness Scale Scale Number Mineral Common 185) Steel Copper Gym A geologist determines that a sample of a mineral can't be scratched by a steel nail but can be scratched by a masonry drill bit. Gypsum User: Based on the mohs hardness scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? Weegy: Based on the Mohs Hardness. Question. Weegy: Hardness is a physical property of a substance. Rating. Score 1 User: Based on your knowledge of the scientific method, which statement identifies an observation? Weegy: I smell smoke when I walk outside. Log in for more information. Rating. Gypsum Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which mineral could be scratched by a penny but not by a fingernail? A.